Member of the Month—Glo Ng!

Meet our Member of the Month for May, Glo Ng! Glo’s consistency, technical improvement, and excellent attitude make her an absolutely essential member our community. Read on to learn more about Glo!

Why did you join Sister Fit?

I had noticed that my body felt weaker from sitting all day at work so I wanted to start going to the gym to exercise. I found that the gym I used to go to was always crowded and overwhelming so it was hard to go consistently. I heard about Sister Fit from my sister (who is fit— haha) and attended their potluck. From my first visit I could tell this was going to be a welcoming and supportive community of women. I knew for sure I could attend classes consistently so I could build my strength! I was interested in trying Muay Thai because I wanted to learn how to KICK!

How old are you and how do you like to identify?

I’m 24 years old. My name is Gloria but I prefer to be called Glo and my pronouns are she/her.

What would you say to help encourage another person to join our gym?

I would highly recommend they give it a try! Before I started, I was a bit scared of being so new and not being able to catch up to everyone else. But, during my first class, I didn’t feel that at all. Coach creates workouts that are suitable for everyone’s experience levels and everyone is so welcoming and encouraging!

What are some differences that you have noticed in your mental and physical health?

I noticed that no matter what mood I was in, I always left class happier. Even on the days I don’t feel like working out, I push myself to go and I’ve never regretted it. Physically, I can tell there is a big difference in my strength and stamina compared to when I started. I never thought I could ever kick so hard :0.

What’s your favourite food?

Pasta! If I were to choose one kind, it would be the classic spaghetti bolognese my dad makes.

What’s your favourite exercise?

There was one set of abs we did called the 100 abs that I enjoyed a lot. It consisted of 20 reps of 5 different ab exercises. My abs were so sore for a week. Every time I laughed, I was in pain, but in a good way!


What do you do for work?

I’m a medical documents team lead. My team handles sorting medical documents from claimants for independent assessments requested by their insurance companies. I also volunteer with Scouts Canada as a Beaver Scout Leader where we create fun monthly programs and activities for children aged 5-7 years old.

What are you passionate about? 

I am passionate about hair dye! I’ve been dyeing my hair at home for about 10 years and have learned so many things through trial and error. I have dyed my hair almost every colour you could think of! Even though it can take hours, I find it very therapeutic applying the product carefully and seeing my hair change. More recently, I went to a salon because I wanted to experience what it was like to get it professionally done. I definitely felt pampered, but I missed doing all the hard work. After I give my hair a LB (lil’ break), I will continue to dye my hair again :).